[FM30X FAQ] Exercise Substitutions for APEX 10

From the desk  of:   The Fit Mother Project Training Staff

Subject: Exercise substitutions for APEX10 - options if you have shoulder, knee, or back problems

Hey there, my friend!

On behalf of our entire FMP team and your fellow program members, we are very excited to get you started on your FM30X Phase #1 workouts. 

Now, like many ladies using FM30X... you may have some nagging issues from past/current injuries, surgeries, etc., and you may find that the standard exercises in the APEX10 workout (swings, squats, shoulder presses, rows, and pushups) cause you  discomfort. 

If that's the case for you, we put together some ideas below on exercise substitution workouts that may work better for you.

Click the links below for some alternate workout versions of APEX10:

If you aren't experiencing pain preventing you from doing APEX10... but you don't have any Dumbbells/Kettlebells yet... here are some ZERO equipment versions of APEX10 (not as ideal as the full workout... but still effective):

Above all, here are some "exercise rules" that are essential:

  1. Don't exercise through joint-pain. Pain is your body's way of telling you there's an issue with that particular body part. We want to train INTELLIGENTLY and work around issues so you're building your body up over time... and not breaking your body down.
  2. Always consult your doctor before beginning ANY exercise program - these workouts included. These sessions are suggestion on workouts that have been highly effective for thousands of women... but you need to make sure that your body is ready for exercise.
  3. As a general rule of thumb with all exercise, start LIGHT and build up. You don't need to lift heavy (or complete the whole workout) your very first session. With all exercise, your body will improve and respond over time.

If you have specific questions, always feel free to post inside your FM30X Facebook Chapter for a quick response from our team and your fellow program members. You can also hit reply to any of your program emails to chat with us as well.

- The FMP Training Staff