What do I do if I'm hungry on FM30X/Foundations?
When do I do if I'm hungry on FM30X/Foundations?
Short Answer:
If you're here with us on FM30X/Foundations, it's safe to assume the goal is to lose weight and/or body-fat. In order to create this loss, our bodies will have to operate in a caloric deficit, meaning you will need to burn more calories than you are consuming. This can cause hunger for some members so please read on for ways to help combat this effect.
Longer Answer:
First, let us address the thought of being hungry. As a culture, we have evolved to the point of fearing hunger or needing to find food immediately when hunger strikes. Obviously our ancestors weren't always as lucky, as food was not readily available like it is to us these days. They went long periods without eating, which can actually help enhance our overall health in some ways! The term Intermittent Fasting may ring a bell to you as it has become a trendy fad but humans have been fasting for eternity as it's not as crazy of a practice as it might sound! We can burn a ton of fat, boost our growth hormone levels, repair cell damage, while also creating new brain neurons! The need for food is more of a mental than physical one. But sometimes you are simply faced with hunger during a non-fast period and are simply looking for answers. Please see below for some helpful hints:
- Ensure you are well-hydrated. We recommend consuming half your body-weight in ounces + 32 (so a 200lb person would drink 132oz. per day...up to a max of 150oz). Not only will this help make you look and feel better, the hydration can help expand your stomach lining, warding off hunger. When our stomach linings shrink to normal size, ghrelin, our appetite hormone is sparked causing us to feel hungry.
- Ensure you are eating your FULL meals. We are often asked if it is a requirement to eat these larger meals on plan and the answer is a resounding yes! We are looking to space out your meals to allow our insulin levels (which is produced when we eat) to naturally rise and fall throughout the day. This helps keep your stomach lining expanded once again, and prevents any chronic insulin/blood sugar elevations (making it harder for our bodies to burn fat).
- If you have satisfied both these criteria, consider adding more veggies to your meals/snacks. There is no limit for veggies on our plan, especially those more leafy and cruciferous. The extra fiber can help keep us satiated and content as well. And we all know about the wonderful micronutrients and anti-oxidants that come with veggies!
- Consider performing the At-Home Meal Plan (delayed meal plan). It's a lot easier to go without food in the morning than later on in the day when you have already eaten/broken your fast. This way you can condense your eating window to a shorter period of time and may be satisfied with all the food that comes within your window.
- If night-time snacking is your primary issue, consider this one simple tip that surprisingly works!
- Lastly, adding in some additional protein or a bit of healthy fat can help too. Now keep in mind, the goal is to create a sizable caloric deficit where you can still find great energy and have effective workouts, but to also "take" from stored body-fat to make-up the missing calories. So if you need to add a little protein or healthy fat, you can give that a try. Just keep in mind, veggies are way less caloric than proteins (and most definitely fat) but you can figure out your caloric needs based on this Meal Plan Cheat Sheet support guide.
Yours in Health & Friendship,
- The Fit Mother Project
Customer Success Team
*DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. This FAQ content is for informational purposes only.See our full terms and disclaimer here. Always talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have.