What type of energy drink can I have?


What type of energy drink can I have?

Short Answer:

Although there are numerous energy drinks on the market, most of them are glorified multi-vitamins with caffeine added in. There is no better option than a cup of black coffee.

Longer Answer:

We certainly get it. A lot of our members are either waking up super early, have kids, and/or are just flat-out tired when they get home from work so exercising is the last thing on their mind. Sometimes we just need that pick-me-up to get through a workout but navigating through all the energy drink options can be a bit confusing! However, we are here to help break through some of the nonsense and to help get you going so you can have an efficient AND effective workout.

First, let us be clear that nothing replaces quality, restful sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, check out these wonderful videos to help you saw off some serious Zzzzzzs. Proper rest and recovery is paramount for making changes on this program. However, for those one-off days where you need a little boost, we recommend sticking with a cup of plain ol' Joe. If you check the label on most energy drinks, they do provide some great micronutrients but also usually contain sugar or artificial sweeteners that can sabotage your success. Black coffee is a much cheaper and healthier option as coffee contains some powerful anti-oxidants that the drinks cannot produce. If you're not a coffee person, using black or green tea is another option, especially if looking to cut down on your caffeine intake (and to reap some fat-burning benefits as well!). 

Another option is to consider our BurnRX supplement, which contains naturally occurring caffeine that can help boost focus/endurance/energy for your workouts.

Just be careful with your caffeine content though as the more you consume, the less effective it can be as your body builds a tolerance to the effects. If this might be you, consider downing a glass of water or performing some slight bouncing on your toes...both can help awaken your senses and sympathetic nervous system as well.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Mother Project

Customer Success Team