How to do APEX10 if I have Diastasis Recti?
Great question! There are some modifications we need to make to the APEX10 workout to make it safe & helpful for both improving your fitness & healing DR. First, let's start with some definitions:
Diastasis recti (DR) is the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach (see image on the right). Diastasis recti is very common during and following pregnancy, as the uterus stretches the muscles in the abdomen to accommodate a growing baby. Men can also get DR, although it is much less common. Now, because you're reading this, you likely know all that already... and you're looking for ways to modify your Fit Father / Fit Mother APEX10 workout to be safe for DR.
We've shot this video below demonstrating the modified APEX10 for DR. Watch below:
As emphasized in the video, the key to healing the DR is to activate the TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS (the deepest layer of the core) through a "drawing in" motion of the core...and to AVOID doing crunching motions that activate the RECTUS ABDOMINIS (the six-pack muscles) as these are what are separated and stretched. All of these exercises should be done with that "drawing in" action of the TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS to keep your core stable. Do not do any exercises that cause you pain.
Exercises in order for this modified APEX 10:
- Stationary Lunge
- Seated Shoulder Press (on Chair)
- External Rotations (using band or weights)
- Incline Pushups (on Chair / Wall)
- Wall Sit (for time)
- Beginner: 10 seconds
- Intermediate: 20 seconds
- Advanced: 30 seconds
Remember: as this is an APEX10, you are exercising in a pyramid fashion... starting at 1 rep of each exercise (at Level 1)... and completing that full circuit before moving onto Level 2 (2 reps on each exercise in a circuit). You will work all the way up to 10 reps and then back down to 1. As the Wall sits are not "reps," you will simply do a 10-30 second hold at the end of each level.
Important: With DR, it's really important that you get checked out by a doctor to make sure you don't have other related conditions (like an umbilical hernia) that could be dangerous. Also, although we designed this modified APEX 10 workout to be safe (and helpful) for DR... this workout video is NOT medical advice. We highly recommend you check with your doctor/physical therapist to ensure that any exercise is, in fact, safe for you right now.
-The FMP Team