Why did my Cholesterol Increase after Losing Weight?


Why did my Cholesterol increase after losing weight? 

Short Answer:

Sometimes when losing weight, the cholesterol stored inside our fatty tissue is released into our bloodstream, causing a temporary increase in cholesterol.

Longer Answer:

Before discussing why your cholesterol may increase after weight-loss, let's first break down what exactly is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a type of fat found in your blood. It has gotten a bad rap as having high cholesterol levels can be linked to cardiovascular diseases. However, all cholesterol is not bad! Cholesterol is needed to help make cells and produce hormones within our bodies. Our bodies even make cholesterol so it's more that eating too many foods high in cholesterol/trans fat is what makes increased levels so dangerous.

Oftentimes, being overweight is associated with higher cholesterol levels. So when you lose weight, you expect those numbers to go down! However, throughout a weight-loss journey, we mobilize stored fat for energy and in the process, the cholesterol stored in that fat can seep into our bloodstream. This causes a temporary increase in blood cholesterol levels. However, over time after your weight stabilizes, your cholesterol levels should fall back down into your new healthy range.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Mother Project  
Customer Success Team

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